Das duale Studium an der TU Hamburg
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Robotik-Camps im Mai / Juni 2024

Im Mai/Juni finden wieder das Junior Robotik-Camp und das Senior Robotik-Camp an zwei Wochenenden an der TUHH statt. Es lohnt sich, schnell zu sein, denn es ist nur eine begrenzte Zahl an Plätzen verfügbar. Mehr Informationen und die Anmeldung findest Du hier.

nordbord-Workshop: Baue deine eigene Welt

Hast Du schon mal Holz ohne eine Säge geschnitten? Weißt Du, wie man Acrylglas zum Leuchten bringt? Willst du sehen, wie man eine Computerzeichnung zum Leben erweckt ? Oder bist du einfach nur heiß darauf, deine eigenen coolen Sachen mit den neuesten Fertigungstechniken wie 3D-Druck und Lasercutter herzustellen?

Dann ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige für dich! Hier kannst du all das lernen. Wir zeigen dir spannende Techniken, mit denen du deine eigenen Produkte herstellen kannst. Du bekommst nicht nur theoretisches Wissen, sondern kannst auch gleich selbst Hand anlegen und ausprobieren!

Komm zu unserem nordbord-Workshop und tauche ein in die aufregende Welt der Produktionsverfahren. Hier kannst du deine Ideen Wirklichkeit werden lassen und lernst dabei alles über 3D-Konstruktion, Fräsen, Laser-Cutter, 3D-Druck und vieles mehr. Am Ende hast du nicht nur eine Menge Spaß gehabt, sondern auch deine eigene Welt erschaffen – ganz nach deinen Vorstellungen! Sei dabei und mach mit!

Datum: 06.11.2024–11.12.2024

Die Anmeldung erfolgt über nordbord: https://www.nordbord.de/event/baue-deine-eigene-welt.html

Bewerbungen für das Wintersemester 2024/25

Der Bewerbungszeitraum für das duale Studium mit Studienbeginn zum Wintersemester 2024/25 hat begonnen. Eine Übersicht zu den teilnehmenden Unternehmen gibt es hier. Die Liste der freien Studienplätze wird fortlaufend aktualisiert.

duales Studium an der TU Hamburg feiert Jubiläum

Am 02.06.2023 hat die TUHH mit ihren dual Studierenden sowie Gästen aus der Wirtschaft das 20-jährige Bestehen des dualen Studiums gefeiert. Den Veranstaltungsbericht mit Fotos gibt es hier. Weitere Informationen gibt es in der Pessemitteilung der TUHH hier.

Studentische Hilfskraft gesucht

Die Koordinierungsstelle dual@TUHH sucht Unterstützung. Wir suchen zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine studentische Hilfskraft für die Ausarbeitung eines Schulkurses und eines Messeexponats zum Thema Data Science (m/w/d).


Vorstellung des HOOU-Projektes der Koordinierungsstelle dual@TUHH - RINOcloud

Im Rahmen der Robotik- und Technikkurse wird ein neues digitales Modul eingeführt. Die Zielgruppe von RINOcloud sind technisch interessierte Schülerinnen und Schüler, die bereits an Kursen von robotik@TUHH teilgenommen haben, und auch Interessierte ohne Vorkenntnisse.

Durch die Teilnahme an dem Modul RINOcloud sollen die Schülerinnen und Schüler Basiskenntnisse in der Programmierung von Robotern erhalten. Dabei kann sowohl eine grafische Programmiersprache für den Einstieg als auch (zukünftig) eine Quellcode-basierte Programmiersprache für Fortgeschrittene gewählt werden.

Die eingesetzte Robotertechnik ist für Teilnehmende relativ kostenintensiv und nicht jeder besitzt ein derartiges Robotersystem. Um möglichst vielen Interessierten einen Zugang zur Robotertechnik zu ermöglichen, wird die digitale Plattform von RINOcloud durch eine an der TUHH stationierte Hardware ergänzt (s. Abbildung). Diese Hardware wird durch die RINOcloud-Teilnehmenden programmiert und angesteuert. Die Reaktion des Systems wird durch eine Webcam gefilmt und digital auf dem Heimrechner der Teilnehmenden ausgegeben, wodurch ein direktes Feedback zu der Programmierung möglich wird. Zudem wird RINOcloud durch einen Tutor ergänzt, sodass die Teilnehmenden bei der Durchführung der Roboteransteuerung unterstützt werden.


Weitere Informationen zur HOOU und die weiteren Angebote sind hier abrufbar.
Weitere Informationen und Eindrücke zum RINOcloud-Projekt findest Du bei der HOOU und auf der RINOcloud Landingpage.




International Robotics-Camp for STEM-Girls 2020

Important note on Corona crisis:
Dear Robotics-Camp participants, Dear parents of the participants

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Hamburg in July. We still have some time to go, but we realise that the current news regarding the impact and global spread of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) might cause uncertainty among you.

The latest developments have not only led to a restriction in mobility and social gatherings, also many countries in the world changed their entry regulations. Although Germany has not yet been forced to take as drastic measures as Italy has, we are monitoring the situation regularly. The participant´s safety and well-being is our top priority. To this end, we are in close contact with Robotics Institute as well as German Public Health authorities whose recommended measures we follow. We will continue to monitor the situation and developments and do our utmost to ensure that you will have a pleasant and safe stay and keep you informed.

We would like to remind specially our international audience that Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) is a public German University, and as such: solid and well funded. The idea of enabling universal access to (all levels of) education, as well as to universal healthcare - for that matter-, is anchored in Germany´s history and supported by the overwhelming members of German society. TUHH, now, more than ever, remains committed to excellence and innovation in teaching, as well as to diversity.

Together with Robotics Institute we are planning for contingencies and exploring how we can implement new digital technologies of distance learning in our international robotics-camps. We will keep you updated.

Robotics Institute together with robotik@TUHH organize a


(1) JUNIOR - Girls only, Hamburg, 4th - 11th July 2020

Course: 3D-design and CAD-controlled 3D-printing, 2D-designed laser-cutting combined with ARDUINO microcontroller technique. All participants will split into small groups and, supervised by experienced university-employed tutors, work toward a common group goal: building their own world! Highlights are visits to our FabLab, the DLR AeroSpace Lab, and the Electric Racing Car Team. Other Highlights of the course are Hamburg sightseeing, harbor cruise, and participating in high-tech chocolate manufacture. Open to female high-school students from all over Europe and beyond.


and the

(2) JUNIOR Plus - Girls only, Hamburg, 11th - 25th July 2020

Course: Additive Manufacturing (AM) on an advanced level.

This is the most sophisticated course available in AM, a key technology developed in Germany, and where its companies are global leaders. Week one will take place on the Campus of TUHH and will learn about Arduino, and focus on the theory and practice of CAD-controlled 3D-printing & Laser cutting - hands-on. In week two you will visit the AIRBUS factory and research laboratory in Hamburg Finkenwerder, as well as other leading German industrial companies that employ advanced 3D-Metal printing technologies like SLM (Selective Laser Melting) and WAAM (Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing). You will learn about material science and 3D post-production processes such as milling, blasting and eroding. Furthermore, you will learn how software, databases and artificial intelligence support the robotics industry. Finally, you will get insights on how to monetize emerging technologies.


Note: This is the only English-language robotics camp at TUHH.

For further information, and to apply for participation, please contact Mr. Alexis Noguer at Robotics Institute () or click on the Robotics Institute Icon:

The International Robotics-Camp for STEM-Girls 2020 is sponsored by 

Construction in 2D and 3D, laser-cutting and engraving in wood and acryl, 3D-printing, and programming an Arduino robot. Impressions of TUHH first Robotics-Camp for international STEM-interested girls which took place in Hamburg in July 2018 (9 days). You can get further impressions of the first camp by watching this video!


What is this camp about?

JUNIOR (4th - 11th July 2020)

  • Are you interested in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)?
  • Do you want to learn more about laser cutting and 3D-printing?
  • Do you want to construct and program your own life behind an Arduino robot?
  • Are you excited to make friends with like-minded students from many other countries?
  • Are you looking forward to contributing your knowledge and talents?
  • And - do you already have an idea which possible career you are going to follow?  

JUNIOR Plus (11th - 25th July 2020)

  • Do you want to learn more about laser cutting and 3D-printing?
  • Would you like to go ahead of your peers in 3D-printing skills and knowledge?
  • Do you want to discover and experiment with different materials?
  • Do you want to visit real companies that emply Additive Manufacturing technologies?
  • Are your looking forward to contributing your knowledge and talents?
  • Are you excited to make friends with like-minded girls from many other countries?
  • Would you like to pursue a career in Engineering or Robotics?

Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) in Germany hosted an exceptional international group of high-school girls grades 9 through 12 for a one-week Robotics-Camp in July 2018. Participating girls came from seven countries: Germany, Spain, UK, Netherlands, Italy, USA and Israel. International students contribute to the cultural and social diversity, making TUHH a better place. In return, high-school students from abroad get to experience the supportive and resource-rich environment of a German public university in the heart of Hamburg.

The International Robotics-Camp for STEM-girls at our Technical University is a crucial component of our mission: encouraging female girl students to pick careers in STEM fields, and empowering girls for success in a global world. For our next International Robotics-Camps in 2020 we are accepting your applications now.

Get involved!

Apply now! We welcome you to the TUHH where you will get a lot of (1) entry-level knowledge in construction and CAD-based programming of different systems such as Arduino robot, 3D-printing, and laser cutting or (2) advanced knowledge about 3D-construction and printing, depending on the chosen camp. Both camps will focus on project-based teamwork.

(1) requires little or none previous experience. (2) Some 3D-printing experience is advisable; however, our well trained students accompanying the teams will bring anyone "up to speed" quickly.

Additionally, you will be able to get in touch with powerful women who made their career as managers and others in leading positions. These included seminars will allow you to ask everything that you are interested in about your possible working future – and this will take place in a private atmosphere.

What is the goal of this camp?

You will:

  • learn the basic principles of computer science, electrical engineering, and CAD-based programming.
  • get an impression of the scientific daily routine in our laboratory.
  • learn about different career opportunities.
  • be able to exchange your thoughts with like-minded people and enhance your personal network.
  • discover the resource-rich environment of a public German university.
  • increase the self-confidence in your abilities to pick a career in robotics

There is a big gender-gap when it comes to tech-leaders: far too few women are in strong positions in business or government. Robotics is an exponentially growing technology field, with its ability to transform industries and solve humanity’s grand challenges. Help us close the gender-gap!

We at TUHH and Robotics Institute, supported by our sponsor EOS, believe these kind of Robotics-Camps will, in a positive way, change the way how you think about the future.

Who is the organizer of this event?

robotik@TUHH, an initiative of dual@TUHH supported by NORDMETALL, will host the camp which is generously funded by the initiator and co-organizer of this event, Robotics Institute, and its founder/CEO Alexis Noguer. We are looking forward to welcoming you at the TUHH!

The camp is sponsored by EOS.

How did this idea come up?

Two teenage girls came up with the idea!

Leah (17, in 2018) and Sofia (15, in 2018), who live in Barcelona, participated in a Robotics-Camps at TUHH during one of their high-school summer breaks. When they got back to school in Spain, they enthusiastically shared stories with their many friends: about 3D-designing and -printing figures, building and programming little automated vehicles, and of cute little doll-sized robots playing football against each other while falling all over themselves! Their friends’ reaction? They wanted to be part of the action, too!

Were there any Robotics-Camps at TUHH – in English? Or anywhere in Germany? There were also these other questions: Sounds interesting, but are you sure I will like it? Is it really fun for girls?

When their father, Alexis Noguer, approached us at TUHH with these questions and volunteered to take on the whole organizational challenge if we set up an English-language Robotics-Camp, we didn’t think twice. At TUHH we brainstormed, researched, talked to many experts, and now believe we have succeeded in creating a unique course syllabus which is especially suited to foster the creativity, the strategic thinking capacity, and the team-working capabilities inherent in many young women.

Alexis Noguer, who excels at connecting people and making things happen, is an accomplished manager and pioneer in high-tech businesses such as drones. He holds Engineering and Business degrees from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Harvard Business School, respectively. We are grateful he has offered to contribute his organizational talents to bringing such a motivated group of international students together in Hamburg for a good cause.

This is not longer a unique pilot program. We had a successfull start with the First International STEM-Girls Robotics Camp in 2018 (find impressions below). Anyhow, there are only limited slots available, so: Apply soon! We look forward to having you!

Where does the camp take place?

This camp is dedicated to young STEM-interested girls of 15 – 17 years. During each of the five days, you will be in the laboratory at the TUHH (Am-Schwarzenberg-Campus 3, 21073 Hamburg, Germany). The camp will start at 10:00 am and last until 6:00 pm.

During the whole duration of the camp all the girls will be hosted together at the youth hostal JH Stintfang, and will be supervised by two adult female chaperones of the Robotics Institute. Lunch, drinks, and snacks will be provided.

What do you have to keep in mind?

The Robotics Institute is the organizer of this camp: that includes your personal arrival and departure, your accommodation and evening meals, and all extra-TUHH activities.

Moreover, if you a minor (<18 years old) you have to get the permission of your parents to participate in the Robotics-Camp and to travel (in the group) through Hamburg. The best way to get here, is by airplane to Hamburg International Airport (HAM). 

These two summer-camps are currently the only international robotics-camps with STEM focus in English aimed at high-school students.

Further details will be published soon.

Application to – and payment for the camp all have to go through Robotics Institute.

Questions concerning travel, accommodation, transport, visits, etc. can be adressed to: 

or phone: +49 175 6969931.

How do I apply?

The application criteria are:

  • Fluent English
  • Good grades in Math & Sciences
  • Good communication and team-working skills
  • Interest in a career in STEM
  • Interest in international encounters


The application criteria are:

  • A written motivational letter
  • Good school marks, especially in STEM-related subjects. Please submit your most recent school certificate (max 1 year old)
  • A copy of your ID or passport
  • A photo
  • As a minor, your parents will need to fill in an authorization form


The application is open. Application deadline is the 1st June 2020.


Please sent your collected documents to , or click on the Robotics Institute icon: 


For further questions to the camp concept, you can contact Alexis Noguer of Robotics Institute ().


Highlights of the 2018 international STEM-Girls Robotics-Camp

Get the feeling of the First International STEM-Girls Camp at TUHH in 2018

Hear and see what the participants of the last year think about this camp by watching short videos which you can find here and here.


Get an Impression of Our Daily Life During the Camp at TUHH

For instance, have a look at some side activities of our course where we visited the aerospace DLR_School_Lab, the FabLab, and the TUHH electrical race car building group, e-gnition.


The Course Tasks

The girls created their own world with the help of 2D and 3D construction realized by laser cutting and 3D-printing, supported by Arduino technics.


Professional Organisation

The camp was organized by the long-term experience of robotik@TUHH, represented by Dr. Janine Radtke, and the private initiator Alexis Noguer.


Inspiring Female Mentor Speakers In Leading Positions

The camp included an afternoon with seven high profile international female speakers. During the roundtable discussion, the girls were able to ask any question they liked to. This was followed by a private dinner, where all participants enlarged their personal network.

The female speakers where:

  • Teresa Alarcos (Company: MadridStartupHouse; Role: Co-Founder, Location: Madrid)
  • Maike Baumgartl (Company: ORACLE; Role: Sales Manager Germany; Loction: Berlin; Web: oracle)
  • Dr. Elena Cortona (Company: Schindler Elevators; Role: Head of R&D; Location: Zurich; Web: schindler)
  • Cecily Kovatch (Company: Fueled For Growth; Role: CEO, Founder; Location: New York; Web: fueledforgrowth)
  • Anna Moreu (Company: ORACLE; Role: Consulting Director, Iberia & Mediterranean; Location: Barcelona; Web: oracle)
  • Daphna Nissenbaum (Company: TIPA Corporation; Role: Founder & CEO; Location: Herzliya; Web: tipa-corp)
  • Dr. Adi Vegerhof (Shenkar College of Engineering.Design.Art; Role: Lecturer; Location: Israel)
  • Barbara Wittmann (Company: LinkedIn; Role: Director, Germany; Location: Munich; linkedin)


Making New Friends


The First International STEM-Girls Robotics Camps was sponsored by